How to Compose a Job Posting

A well-written job posting is the first touch point between your organization and potential candidates. It’s your chance to show off your company’s values and culture. A well-written job advertisement can draw attention to the job and company, which will result in more qualified applications and interviews.

Alongside describing the job, and describing the qualifications, certifications, education, experience and preferred qualifications A well-written job description should include important details about your hiring process from beginning to end. This ensures that you and the applicants are on the same page with regards to what to expect. It can also help avoid candidate ghosting and drop-off as well as a more efficient, fair hiring process for all parties involved.

Make sure you use a simple, clear language that is easy to read for any type of audience. Avoid jargon and cliches which can confuse or repel potential candidates. Make use of job ads to promote your diversity initiatives. Make sure the language you use isn’t excluding any person.

Also, don’t forget to mention your top advantages and perks in your job descriptions. If your company provides free lunches or a great office with a view, or offers flexible working hours It’s worth mentioning these in your job descriptions since they can tip a candidate in your favor over the competition. It’s also a good idea to mention any volunteer opportunities or community involvement that your company is involved in since it is something that a lot of prospective employees will look for when deciding which company to apply to.

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